Rediscover Lockbourne
Rediscover Lockbourne is a 501(3) organization that was established to support the Village. The RDL Board is composed of current and former Lockbournians, as well as friends of Lockbourne. The primary goal of the organization is to raise money for the Old School House renovations and fund community events.

Rediscover Lockbourne Board (L-R): Natasha Geno, Cathy Needham, Cathy Nelson, John Mitchell and Richard Mills
Attention all Kroger Plus Card Holders!
Rediscover Lockbourne would like to thank everyone who registered their Kroger Plus card as a RDL supporter. Kroger’s Community Rewards Program contributes a percentage of sales from the transactions our supporters make with their registered Kroger Plus card.
An Easy Way to Support Rediscover Lockbourne – Through Your Kroger Rewards Card!
Thank You to Our Donors!
Shelly Company
El Dorado Scioto Downs
The City of Groveport
The City of Grove City
Hamilton Township Fire Department
Darrell Birt
Mike Coolman
Laura Comek
George (Rolland) Coon
Tony & Susan Grandstaff
Jerry Lozier
Sherry Lozier
John & Jane McJunkin
Richard Mills
John Mitchell
Brian Nance
Dan & Cathy Needham
Cathy Nelson
Greg & Suanne Oost
Peters Family Farms
Laura Ricker
Lockbourne Heritage Society
Brittany Trout
Christie Ward
Lockbourne Heritage Society
The Lockbourne Heritage Society is a non-profit organization that researches, preserves and promotes the history of Lockbourne, Ohio. Throughout the year, the Heritage Society will raise funds to give back to the community. Some projects funded by the Heritage Society include Veterans Park, the Memorial Day Parade, the annual Easter Egg Hunt and holiday bags for the elderly and shut-ins.